
In a universe chain, several types of activities generate radiation, each playing a key role in shaping the blockchain's landscape:

  • New Blocks: With each newly created block, the universe expands. These blocks form the backbone of the chain, serving as markers of the passage of time and anchoring all activities within the chain.

  • Reorganizations (Reorgs): Occasionally, the universe shifts, causing the chain to reorient itself. These reorgs ripple through the blockchain like cosmic disturbances, temporarily altering the chain’s structure and trajectory.

  • Transactions: The most frequent type of activity, transactions represent interactions within the universe. Every exchange of tokens, execution of contracts, or invocation of functions results in a release of energy—radiation from these activities propagates across the chain.

  • Log Emits in Transactions: Within transactions, logs are emitted to capture specific events. These logs, akin to bursts of energy, represent pivotal moments that are tracked and stored, contributing to the formation and state of objects in the universe.

All these activities produce varying levels of radiation that observatory devices must detect and interpret.