
Among the multitude of activities that generate radiation, only a select few are identified as signals. Signals are the critical events that directly impact the evolution and state of objects within the protocol:

  • Block Signals: Certain blocks, due to their specific characteristics or the transactions they contain, are identified as signals. These blocks may trigger significant shifts in the universe, such as creating new objects or altering existing ones.

  • Transaction Signals: Not every transaction emits a signal, but when one does, it marks a crucial event. These signals could represent the transfer of significant value, the activation of a major contract, or the conclusion of an important operation.

  • Log Signals: Logs emitted within transactions often carry essential information about object states. When these logs are identified as signals, they initiate changes in the object's structure, properties, or relationships, prompting further imaging.

  • Reorganization Signals: While reorgs are relatively rare, when they do occur, they can reset or restructure entire portions of the universe. These signals are carefully tracked to ensure the universe remains stable and coherent, even in the face of disruption.

Signals are what drive object imaging, as they provide the necessary data to create new objects, update existing ones, or adjust their relationships. Through the precise detection and interpretation of signals, the protocol ensures that its universe chain remains responsive, adaptive, and constantly evolving.