
Object assets in Everything Theory can be accessed through satellites, which act as preimage gateways. These gateways provide a way to retrieve the underlying assets of an object at a specific revision. The assets can be accessed using predefined URI schemes or through an online link.

Accessing Assets via URI

Assets can be accessed by specifying the object ID, revision, and a selector in the following format:

  • oid: The unique identifier for the object.
  • rev: The revision number of the object, indicating its version.
  • sel: The selector used to reference a specific material or asset within the object.

Alternatively, assets can also be retrieved by specifying a universe and the hash of the object in hexadecimal:

  • universe: The blockchain (or universe chain) in which the object exists.
  • hash_in_hex: The hashed identifier of the object or asset.

Object assets can also be accessed using a web link. The format for this link is as follows:{oid}/{rev}/{sel}

This provides a convenient way for users to view or download object assets directly from a browser by specifying the object ID, revision, and selector.

By leveraging satellites and preimage gateways, the protocol ensures that object assets are easily accessible, transparent, and verifiable, whether through command-line interfaces or web-based platforms.