
The time and space of a universe begin to expand simultaneously after the Singularity.

The Void

At time 0:0:0, a special space is created, permeating throughout the universe. The distance from this space to any other space is defined as equal and zero. If an object has no specific position assigned, it is said to belong to this space, known as the Void Space, or simply the Void.

The Space

After time 0:0:0, with each block interval, a part of space is created. Each segment is referred to as a space block, contributing to what is collectively known as Block Space, or simply the Space. The distance between these space blocks remains unknown.

The shape of the Block Space defines the shape of the universe. According to Growing Block Theory, it is theorized that the Block Space takes on a spiral shape, symbolizing the universe's continuous outward expansion with each newly created block. Despite this belief, the precise distance between blocks and the full structure of the universe are still unclear.

Following the formation of the Void Space, each block contributes to the expansion of the Block Space. Unlike the empty Void Space, Block Space is dynamic and growing. Each new block is treated as a domain, which can be claimed by users or players, allowing them to become the rulers of their respective domains.

As rulers, they hold the power to establish laws that govern their domain. Objects and assets can only be moved into a block with the ruler’s permission, introducing a layer of governance and control within the universe. This continuous expansion of the Block Space creates new opportunities for utility and ownership among the universe's inhabitants.